I am soooo far behind.... This should be a Christmas post but maybe that will come tomorrow! I wanted to atleast document our marathon weekend so here we goooo. The weekend I am referring to took place December 12th (see I told you I was far behind) When I call it a marathon weekend you're probably thinking it must have been a super busy weekend and well it was but that's not why I'm calling it that. My sister and her best friend whom we adore and will also claim as a sister both ran their first marathon! We were so proud of them....seriously I got a little teary eyed....I mean WOW the determination and will power it must take to finish something like that is simply awe inspiring to me.
We left Saturday afternoon after a family Christmas party and headed to Dallas, we quickly discovered that our youngest does not like to travel....at all. After numerous bathroom stops and candy purchases...I know, I know...but when candy is the only thing that will stop the screaming....you give it to them,trust me! We finally arrived at our destination, we stayed with my cousin and her family, the girls had a great time and since arriving home have named one of their babydolls Hutch after their cousin! (By the way Rebekah, I don't know if you read this, but if you do we can't wait to get together again...and are praying for you tomorrow as you go in to meet your new little one)
So now for a few pictures from the sidelines!
Chip ran the half marathon...we cheered for him too

The girls love their Kiki and Jessica

Here they are in the beginning...I'm thinking this may have been the 5 mile marker...or 10 I really don't know :-)

Here they are about to cross the finish line....AMAZING!!

When they crossed the finish line, Becca came running up to me and said "Kiki and Jessica won the race!!" She was so proud of them....we all were proud!