7th folder
22nd picture
I can't seem to find any pictures before 2006 so here is a pic from 7th folder 22nd pic....
This picture was taken July of 2006 in Millican Texas after my Granny Woodards funeral. We were standing in front of an old school house that I think my Granny had attended. The Baptist church in Millican had provided lunch for us after the funeral, I just remember the watermelon being REALLY good! Becca was 23 months old and Emma was 2 months. This was I'm pretty sure the hardest weekend of my life... We went to my Granny Woodards (Dads Mom) funeral on Saturday and my Grendaddys (Moms Dad) funeral on Sunday.
Go check out www.4littlemen.blogspot.com for everyone elses random pic. challenge!
Yep! Granny went to school here... I enjoyed reading all your posts...I had a lot of catching up to do... but the reads were very soothing... I liked reading about Granny and Grendaddy. You're the bomb!
yah so i just looked at this picture again.... i was looking for the picture of angus with makeup on.. THIS IS A BAD PICTURE!!!! oh geez... bad...
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