Wednesday, October 14, 2009

thoughts from a 3 year old

We are not much on wasps around here...I mean really, who likes them....they fly and sting we run and scream! So, we have what appears to be a massive colony, town, heck I think it could be a wasp city located on a corner of the back of our house. Yesterday Josh decides to eradicate them, as best he could anyways. So here's the scene, me and the girls gathered around the window (cause this is exciting stuff at our house) Josh on back deck, one hand on door knob one hand holding spray legs in running position (this is serious stuff here, like I said we're not much on wasps) He sprays and runs, the girls scream, a few wasps fall, many wasps was no massacre....we are scheduled for another battle next week! Later Emma is talking to her Dad and asks....
E- What were you doing with the wasp spray?
Dad- I was killing the wasps dead (cause what other way is there:-)
E- why?
Dad-so they won't sting you.
E-But Dad, won't the wasps sting Jesus?
Oh the sweet, innocent thoughts of a 3 year old

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