Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just a little update for you! Vacation Bible School went great, I had the most awesome helper :-) and a group of fun kids! As great as it was I am soooo glad it's over, and now we are having a relaxing week sticking close to home. I did have a doctors appt yesterday which I was seriously nervous about and pretty much started crying as soon as I walked in the exam room. This was my first appt. back with my reg. ob who I really like, but she is the one who has always had to give me bad news so understandably we were scared. Everything went great though, we got to see her moving all around and we are measuring 11 weeks and 2 days! I know I mentioned before that we think its a girl, out of 5 pregnancies we know 3 of them were girls and also apparently pregnancies that are complicated with this choriangioma tumor are more common with girl babies than with boys. So until we are told otherwise I will refer to this baby as a she :-).

1 comment:

justanothername said...

Do you have a picture of this baby girl?