So this is going to be one of those posts that is just depressing, for me anyways. Last week was hard, It was one of "Those" weeks if you know what I mean. Wednesday my sister-n-law got some test results back from her doctor, and they weren't good, they determined she has cervical cancer that may have spread further. She is waiting on a call from MD Anderson to decide what their "plan of attack" will be. Her doctor says most likely she will have a radical hysterectomy and then chemo therapy, Please keep her and her family in your prayers, they will need alot in the coming weeks.
Thursday I had my 2nd ultrasound, there was still no heartbeat but my measurments had grown, so the pregnancy is progressing, the Dr. said that everything looked fine sometimes you aren't able to see the heartbeat this early. Later in the afternoon I got a call from the nurse saying that my hcg levels had increased but not as much as they would like them to, so of course that had me all worried.
Becky also had a Drs appt. Thursday, her Dr. told her she "thought" she may have seen a flicker indicating a heartbeat she was to come in Friday. Friday she was told that there was no heartbeat and she would miscarry again. I have been where she is at and I still have no words to comfort her, it is just that hard. Please be in prayer for Becky and her family as I have found out, it does not matter if you miscarry at 8 weeks or at 16 weeks the pain and sorrow is still very real and very hard.
There are people all around us going through horrible life circumstances and I just want to scream WHY, but for now what I cling to is the knowledge that God knows the plan for my, for our lives. One of my favorite verses is Jer.29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We don't know why these things happen but our creator does HE HAS A PLAN and his plan is perfect! Isn't that a comfort.
Praying for a better week this week, I will update on Tuesday after my Dr. appt.