Thursday, March 7, 2013

Where did the time go

So I was thinking I could just start posting again, but when I realized how much time had passed since my last post I felt kind of silly. I could tell you about my day yesterday but you would go from a post about a sweet 10 month old Seely to a post about a rambunctious 2 year old. Wow time really does fly! I'm not sure why I havent posted in the last almost 2 years...we have definitely been incredibly busy but more than anything we have just been enjoying a calm normal life, nothing blog worthy I guess. Then I realized when I started this blog it was for me to record daily...weekly....ok monthly sometimes memories:). When I look back on my posts I am so happy that I have those memories written down because as time passes I seem to forget those sweet, funny and sometimes sad memories. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm back!!! I would love to go back and do a review in pictures maybe of life in the past 2 years but that will have to come later, for now I'm just going to jump back in! I feel that I should give a disclaimer, I will be writing these posts whenever I have a few minutes to sit down, so please do not expect them to be perfect...I write like I talk, there will probably be many run on sentences and in case you haven't noticed I use a lot of ellipsis....and yes I had to ask Josh what the correct name was for those, he's so smart:) So ready or not let's jump back in, I wonder how long it will take before I post again!

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