Monday, December 3, 2007

Blog junky

Okay, so apparently I am a blog junky. It started with a former DJ for the christian radio station I listen to, we were pregnant at the same time and she had a baby blog. Even though I did not know her personally through reading her blog I felt as if we could be good friends. Well anyways the other day I was looking on the web for Christmas dresses for my girls and I fell into this blog called Nitty Gritty written by the most amazing woman named Jody. Isn't it amazing how God knows just what he is doing! To tell you why I say this I have to go back a little. I have been having a hard month, Back in July, the 5th to be exact, the one year anniversary of my Grendaddy and Grannys death I had a miscarriage. My due date was Jan 21st, (my Grendaddys Birthday) Well, I am watching all these people close to me have their babies and I am getting a little jealous, It should be me. I should be having baby showers, preparing a room and all the other little stuff you get to do to get ready for babies, instead I am watching everyone else go through these milestones and thinking what could have been. When I fell upon Jodys blog and started reading about her life and all the trials she has been through I was amazed. This woman has been through my worst nightmare and she is still praising God, sure she has her days which I love because those are what makes her real, but she has learned to thank God everyday for that day because who knows what will happen tomorrow. So Thank you God and Thanks Jody. Now I can see, I have two beautiful girls and a baby Taylor that God decided to keep in Heaven and He has given me the promise that I will see my baby someday , and until then my Grendaddy will have one of his sweet great grandkids to give him five whenever he wants:) So that being said I have decided to make my own blog. It will be very random cause thats how I am. There will be many run on sentences cause thats how I talk and think (nonstop) hehe! It will probably make you laugh cause we do a lot of that at my house! So looking forward to some fun days ahead, see ya next time!!!!

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