Sunday, December 9, 2007


Funny story: This morning I have to go to the grocery store to pay the light bill. Going to the grocery store is a big accomplishment when you have 3, 2, and 1 year old, so I am feeling pretty proud of myself as I talk to the lady taking my check. All 3 kids are well dressed and behaving woohoo I'm thinking, I am one awesome Mom... then I looked down and realized I had my shirt on inside out, Good Grief!!! Qoute of the day "One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself" SJ Duncan)
When we finished at the grocery store they were handing balloons out the kids, as soon as we walked outside Evan of course let go of his, Becca looked at me and asked "where's it going" I told her to the sky, she thought about it for a minute then said, "I guess Jesus needed a balloon" I smiled and said yea, I guess so. When we got home and we were getting out of the car Becca let go of her balloon and said "I guess Grendaddy's going to have a party" So Grendaddy I hope you and Jesus are having a big party cause your little girl sent you a balloon today:)

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