Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Alot can change in a few days, 4 to be exact. I don't really feel like writing this, but I want you to know in case you don't so you can be in prayer for us tomorrow. I went in to the Dr. today and she was unable to find a heartbeat....I'd like to say I'm okay, but I'm really not I probably look better than I have in any of my previous miscarriages on the outside, I've learned to put on that "I'm okay face" but inside...honestly I'm mad, I don't get it, I'm hurt, I really don't have any words to explain what I'm feeling. I go into delivery tomorrow morning at 8PM so please pray for us tomorrow and in the days ahead.

1 comment:

justanothername said...

Be still and know that I am God.

I'm sorry....counts as nothing. I'm full of nothing. I'm sick. I dont get it.