Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not me Monday

I haven't done one of these in a while so here we go....all the things that I did ummm not do this week...
I did not feed my kids oreos and teach them songs such as trick or treat smell my know the rest, just so they wouldn't fall asleep on the way home from Grannys.
I did not allow them to bring their bikes into the house to ride since it was raining outside.
My girls did not put away all my groceries....I did not trick them into doing this by allowing them to play "store" and take turns being the checkout lady and buggy pusher.

We've had a busy weekend, we went to our first highschool football game of the season. Hopefully we'll be able to get to more, my girls love them some football...well maybe its the snackbar....but they do seem to enjoy watching the game and love to see Manda cheer. The girls also danced at the catfish festival, that was a Disaster with a capital D...I don't know if they were just tired or what but if you were at the catfish festival and saw a "happy" young couple with 2 screaming girls in dance costumes then you saw us!
We are looking forward to another great week, enjoying this cooler weather and maybe getting to relax a little.

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