Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just another day

The girls and i have been going stir crazy, this cold weather has kept us in the house and for these outdoorsy girls this isn't a good thing! Today we decided to get outside and play so first we went "exploring" which the girls absolutely loved. We went out into the woods (now doesn't that sound country) the girls looked at everything...
they looked high....

they looked low.....

they just enjoyed breathing in some fresh air, and exploring Gods beautiful creation. We then decided to make good old fashioned pine cone bird feeders for the birds since supposedly we may be getting some snow tomorrow....

so the birds are now fed and we await the snow....if we don't see some flurries, ice or something tomorrow I know two little girls who are going to be pretty disappointed!

1 comment:

Args Night said...

Going STIR crazy huh? They may not know crazy but I bet they know stir! We're getting some flurries in Spring now so hopefully the girls will not be disappointed. You're a great mom with some great lookin' kids!