Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Easter Tree (part 2)

Every Easter my family has always headed up to Granny and Grendaddys house after church. We eat a big lunch, have a serious Easter Egg Hunt, (you know the kind, get out of our way that egg is mine! yea, thats the kind) Then for as long as I can remember we head over to the "Easter Tree" to take family pictures. This Easter tree does not have ornaments hanging from it, it stands tall in the yard all year long, It is the only tree in the yard with a name. It's just a huge tree that has forked off in the middle and every year we all gather around it or climb up in it and take pictures. I don't know who started calling it the Easter Tree but the name stuck, and whenever you say it everyone including my girls know exactly what tree you are talking about. This tree and these pictures have become so important to me as you look back you can see how our family has changed and grown. So this Easter rain or shine we will have our picture taken with the Easter tree, another old tradition that I plan on keeping forever!

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