Monday, December 20, 2010

3 months!!!

Seely, you are now three months old... it's crazy how fast time flies! So what are you up to these days? We finally got to the doctor for your 2 month checkup the other day, we were late because you had a cold when you were actually supposed to go. You now weigh 12 pounds and are in the 25th percentile for your weight, which is up from the fifteenth you were when you were born. Where you really grew was in your height, you went from I believe the tenth percentile to the nintyth.... and are now 25 inches long! I knew you were getting big :-) You have started to smile and every now and then we will get a laugh! You talk a-lot, and you love to have conversations with your sisters... funny they know just what you are saying.... the other day Emma was talking to you and she says "Seely do you want to watch sissy eat some chocolate?" then I hear "Momma Seely said yes! He wants me to eat some chocolate!" I can't imagine that would be to much fun watching someone else eat candy, but whatever :-) The doctor also gave you a prescription for zantac, she thinks you may have reflux... I agree and am hoping this will make you feel better. We love you so much and are looking forward to your first Christmas!

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