Monday, December 13, 2010

What really happens

So this is what really happens!
Josh wakes me up to tell me bye as he leaves for work...I don't want to get out of bed. I hear the girls already awake, they sound like they are playing nicely... I know this means they are making a mess somewhere.
I roll out of bed... because Seely needs his diaper changed, I quickly brush my teeth. forget about makeup and clothes...Seely wants to eat and so do the girls.
The children all wake up happy... well they have been awake for a while now and although they usually wake up happy...after they have been up for awhile the fighting begins.
We actually usually do make breakfast together...this of course makes a big mess...I just add it to the dishes that I did not wash the night before. We get ready to start our school day...the girls got dressed on their own when they got up... they usually don't match...I fight the urge to scream and just go with it:-)
If I did scream they probably wouldn't hear me over their screaming baby brother anyways.
We sit down for school, grumbling the whole time about how they never get to play... mean momma is a phrase I hear throughout the day. Seely sits in his swing...for five minutes, then I am bouncing him again, and trying to teach school. Did I mention all the grumbling going on :-)
Lunch time comes and I throw together some peanut butter sandwiches, except all the knifes are dirty so I have to wash a few dishes really quickly, this does not even make a dent in the pile of dishes in the sink... the girls sit down to eat, I stand bouncing Seely and trying to get a bite in my mouth.
We finish school just as Daddy gets home at two....well finished except the part we skipped because I just couldn't take any more of the grumbling. He walks in to peanut butter smeared faces, and a house that looks like a tornado may have come through.
I cook soup for dinner because I can throw it all in one pot, we eat, the girls take their baths after being told no less than ten times to do so. They then clean their room while I stand in their room bouncing Seely and directing them as to what needs to be picked up.
We read a story say our prayers and the girls go to bed... while Daddy or I lay between them staring at the ceiling waiting for them to fall asleep.
Mommy and Daddy spend the evening taking turns holding Seely, and attempting to restore some order to the house.
10:00 comes, we get ready for bed... oh wait I'm still in my pajamas, well that was easy :-) As I fall into bed I hear Seely waking up... I move to the rocking chair to feed Seely my head soon drops...I wake up and wonder why the side of Seelys onesie is wet as I wipe the back of my hand across my drooling mouth...Don't judge:-) just being honest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no complaints!! That sounds like a great life!!!
anonymous K!!! I can't wait for you to get your birthday present from the girls!! :D I LOVE it!