Sunday, December 12, 2010

A day in the Life of.....I wish!

In my dreams this is how a perfect day in our life would go!
I wake up when Josh is getting ready for work, the kids are all in their own beds still asleep.
I have a minute to get my teeth brushed, put on makeup, get out of pajamas and into decent clothes.
The children all wake up happy! We make breakfast together and get ready to start our school day.
We sit down for school, seely sits in his swing, everyone is happy and can't wait to learn something new... no one is screaming...did I mention how happy everyone is :-)
Lunch time comes and I make something delicious in a clean kitchen... we all sit down together to eat.
We finish school just as Daddy gets home at two.... he walks in to clean smiling faces, and of course the house is spotless.
I cook a wonderful meal for dinner, we eat, the girls take their baths, and then clean their room with no prompting from me.
We read a story say our prayers and the girls go to bed... on their own
Mommy and Daddy spend the evening talking about our day,watching some tv and spending time enjoying Seely.
10:00 comes, we get in bed ready to start our day again tomorrow!

Do you believe me? Well stay tuned... I'll tell you what really happens!

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