Thursday, February 5, 2009


I had another dr.s appt this morning, I have been praying all weekend and was amazingly calm and comforted going into this appt that no matter what happened God was in control. I had also been praying very specifcally that I wanted to see a heartbeat today.... God answered that prayer, there was a strong heartbeat and the baby had grown! The nurse always does my bloodwork first and then the ultrasound, for some reason she poked me twice and couldn't get any blood so we did the ultrasound first, In my head I thought o-kay God I'm taking this as a good sign, those numbers that they get from the bloodwork mean nothing compared to what you can do for me. Then I got the dreaded afternoon call, my numbers had not moved, they had actually dropped about 100 points. I don't understand, as long as they were going up it was becoming easier for me to stay positive, but now they are dropping, the nurse has basically said this is a doomed pregnancy not exactly her words but basically. So we are putting all our trust in God, relying completely on him and praying for a miracle. Please pray with me. I go back in to the Dr. on Monday and I'll be looking for that heartbeat :-)

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