Monday, February 9, 2009


I have had a hard time writing this post, and it's not because I got bad news today, on the contrary I got great news! I along with many others have been praying for a miracle, I have never doubted that God could give me that miracle I know that our God is capable of great things. I have doubted that I would get that miracle, I know that Gods timing is not always our timing. This is something I have and am really struggling with. By doubting he will give me this miracle am I essentially doubting God? (Any answers you have for me will be greatly appreciated) Anyways, so this afternoon I went in to see the Dr. (specialist) expecting of course the worst as we sat in the ultrasound room the Dr told us "I just want you to be prepared, your levels are going down and they are not where they should be, so be prepared to not see the heartbeat at one of these appointments." I told him that we understood that and we were prepared but we were still praying for a miracle. When he did the ultrasound we saw our baby who had grown since Thursday and a heartbeat Praise God! The Dr. with a very surprised look on his face told us that if he were to look at the baby he would never guess that my levels are as low as they are, he said this baby is right on track and has a very strong heartbeat! (very positive coming from him) He then told me my levels were still low, that they should be atleast in the 5000s so we would just keep watching. Honestly this was enough of a miracle for me, but of course I still had the dreaded afternoon phone call..... which wasn't so bad today my levels are up in the 5000s!!! Please keep praying for us, we know that God is at work here and it is through all our prayers that we are where we are at today. Also pray that no matter what happens we will bring glory to God, we don't know what is in store for us in the future, but today was an answer to prayer!!

1 comment:

Bill said...

Charis, it is amazing to read this and know how young you are and yet so knowing. To go through what you have and still have a strong faith in our GOD is a blessing in it's self. Keep your head up and looking to our FATHER. Linda has prayer coming from everywhere. Thank you for who you are (child of the KING, wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend).Have I left any out? Daughter is also daughter-in-law. Love to you, Bill.