Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is hard!

We're back to good news in the morning and bad news in the afternoon! I went in for another ultrasound, everything looked great still a heartbeat and our baby had grown. Then the "dreaded phone call" my hcg levels are fine, but my hormone levels are both down, so they upped one of my medicines the other I've already upped once so they didn't have me increase that one. I'm going to be honest this is sooooo hard on me. The nurse told me today, "you're not out of the woods yet" I wanted to scream, are you serious do you think I don't know that! So pray for me today, I know that God is in control and I really do have a certain peace about everything, but I still find myself having those days when I just want to cry, scream, lay in bed and feel sorry for myself and just understand why this is happening. (sidenote, I have yet to do any of these things except ask why. Lay in bed, are you serious do you know what happens when I leave my girls alone? powder skating anyone!)

I finally figured out how to get a picture on my page, I just don't know how to shrink it! so how do you like our feet lifesize :-) Someday I'm going to catch up with the times and figure out all this computer stuff!

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