Monday, January 5, 2009

My "not resolution"

I haven't forgot you, really! There just hasn't been to much to post, Nothing exciting which can be a good thing. I am doing pretty well on my "not resolutions" for the new year, I have a list of things I wish to do this year I won't bore you with all the details but one of them was "turn the tv off" My kids have never watched that much tv they will watch a cartoon or two in the morning woohoo for MickeyMouse Clubhouse! But during the day the tv is hardly ever on. Then the little angels go to bed and all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch "my shows" which is pretty much anything on tv. I looked forward to that time because all I do is run all day and this was a time I could sit and not think about anything. I was forgoing (word?) my time with God to sit there and "not think" about the trash I was letting in. Does this make sense? Anyways So all this week I have put the remote down and picked my bible up, It has made a huge difference, I feel calmer during the day, I'm working on my patience level def. not perfect there :) and I'm also learning so much about this awesome God I serve. Sooooo if anyone wants a challenge then go ahead and try it with me! Put the remote down and Pick up the Bible!!! See what difference it makes in your life

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